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Thanks to Tina Bjork of Heart Lake Shelties for letting Tula come to live at Shillelagh

All photos are copyright protected.  Do not duplicate without permission.

Tula is One!!!!!!

Tula is One and beginning to fill out and grow up. She gets prettier by the day.  She still has a perfect topline that holds dead level whether she is still or moving, a beautiful rear, nice shoulders, lovely tail carriage and those killer eyes. She is a joy to live with and is as sweet as her name. She has decided she likes agility so that will be the thing that we do together. 

Then .........................and..........................Now


Tula asleep on the grooming table. Every time I tried to step away to get a better shot she started to fall off the table.


Big brother Justice playing with Tula at 3-Months
Sorry about the video quality -- I need a new camera! This takes a minute to load.